Probably The Lightest Kids Wellies in the UK
Wet Wednesdays Bubble Boots are designed for comfort, warmth and growth.
Designed with passion by the experts at Wet Wednesdays our Bubble Boots are made in one mould of high-quality lightweight material so they will not perish, crack or split!
Best for Sustainability…
- Most infant wellies end up in landfill when they split…. Bubble Boots will not split!
- Most Kids Wellington Boots only fit for one size, whereas Bubble Boots fit for two sizes.
Best for All Seasons
- With a removable liner Bubble Boots are a best buy for summer and winter keeping little toes toasty warm to -30°C
Best Wellies for Toddlers
- Most childrens welly boots are just miniature adult wellies whereas our kids wellies are designed for children by experts in child development and footcare.
Most infant welly boots are big and bulky. Bubble boots are developed to hold onto infant feet and not flop around like traditional childrens wellington boots. These kids' wellie boots are super light as recommended for childrens feet.
When looking for Kids wellington boots, wellies for toddlers or a first birthday present to enjoy learning to walk whilst adventuring outdoors our childrens wellies are probably the lightest in the UK. Developed to specifically for infants feet our Bubble Boots will be your best buy this year.